Facing our Climate Anxiety
Dr. Lise Van Susteren, climate activist & expert on the mental
health impacts of climate change
Catherine John, Trinbagonian social justice activist & single parent
Mariam Khan, youth organizer, Hamden CT Board of Education
member & Yale College student

Climate Change is a Public Health Emergency
Join us for an online forum on the climate crisis and its impact on health.
Panelists will discuss
The links between public health and climate change
the different impacts on marginalized communities
climate solutions that are working in Connecticut
actions you can take in your local community
Follow the link below to register

Stop the Killingly Fracked Gas Power Plant! - Car Caravan and Virtual Rally
Join the Car Caravan as we circle DEEP headquarters and the State Capitol to demand that Governor Lamont and Commissioner Dykes cancel the unneeded fracked gas power plant to be built in Killingly.
While the car caravan is happening, a virtually rally will be held as well. We’ll hear from a variety of speakers including Bishop John Selders, Sena Wazer, Kiana Flores, Leah Rawls, Martha Klein, Kate Donnelly, Guy West, ULA, Sunrise New Haven, and Mitch Linck.

#CT4ClimateJustice Virtual Rally
Join us for a three-part virtual rally featuring almost a dozen speakers and online actions for all to participate in. Including speeches on a variety of topics, such as Killingly, fracked gas, renewable energy, immigrant justice, COVID-19, Puerto Rico, Keystone, Indigenous action, public transportation, and war, and a musical performance from State Troubadour Nekita Waller, we will make our voices heard and our presence known!
Click here to register for the Virtual Rally

Sunrise Climate Strike
Event Organized by Sunrise Connecticut
Stand with youth and other concerned citizens to demand immediate and drastic climate action! Join us online as we strike with activists across the country and globe.

Stop the Money Pipeline Day of Online Action
Connecticut is the Insurance Capital of the world. There are many CT-based Insurance companies are investing profits in fossil fuels and other projects that put our community in danger and continue to exacerbate the climate crisis.
We have a unique opportunity to directly call out major U.S. insurers. Join us on Thursday, April 23rd for a day of online action to call out key insurance offices in Connecticut to demand they stop investing in and underwriting fossil fuel projects.
RSVP today to attend the action scheduled for April 23rd and to be kept updated on the #StopTheMoneyPipeline, #InsureOurFuture NOT fossil fuels!

Earth Day: Rally Online for a Green New Deal
Although COVID-19 will prevent us from meeting in person, we know that now more than ever, we need to stick together and keep fighting for the health and well-being of all people. Please join us to Rally Online for a Green New Deal on Wednesday April 22nd, from 4:00 - 5:30pm. We’ll hear from inspiring speakers about the connections between COVID-19 and climate, what a Green New Deal could look like in our community, and why we need it. We'll also hear personal stories and take crucial political actions together from our homes.

Transportation & Climate Initiative, CT's Transportation Future
Join us for an online meeting to learn more about CT's sustainable transportation future. It's more critical than ever that Connecticut remains a partner in this multi-state revolutionary transportation initiative.
LINK - https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/795881941
You can also dial in using your phone - (571) 317-3122, Code: 795-881-941

2020 Environmental Summit
Every year, CTLCV Education Fund brings together lawmakers, advocates, policy experts, and the public for a day of panels and informational briefings about the most critical environmental issues facing our state. We set the agenda for the upcoming legislative session, answer your most pressing questions, and promote good environmental policies.
This event is free to attend. Food and refreshments will be provided. Please RSVP at ConservationEducation.org/environmental-summit.html

CT's Transportation Future, Confronting Climate Crisis
You are invited to join us on Tuesday, Oct 29th for a networking dinner and community meeting to learn more about critical efforts to deliver a more equitable, modern, low-carbon transportation future. We need your voice and the state's leaders need to understand your concerns, challenges, and hopes for the program being developed to modernize and reduce emissions from CT's transportation system.

CT Climate Crisis Rally
Join a worldwide movement demanding climate action. Together we will show our elected officials that everyone cares about climate change and we expect them to take immediate and significant action to address it.