Event artwork by Stella Kozloski
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Car Caravan
(taking place in Hartford, not Killingly)
Join us Friday, June 26 for a Car Caravan Protest to Stop the NTE Fracked Gas Plant in Killingly, 3-4 pm.; meet at the parking lot by 2:45 p.m. at 1-50 Linden Place (near Pulaski Circle and DEEP headquarters) in Hartford. If you can join us by bike or walking to Bushnell Park please maintain a socially safe distance. We ask anyone joining us to wear a face covering to protect themselves and others from spreading COVID-19.
Virtual Rally
Sign up at https://bit.ly/318Axvz
While the car caravan is happening, a virtually rally will be held as well. We’ll hear from the following speakers and groups:
Bishop John Selders, minister of the United Church of Christ, Assistant Dean at Trinity College and a leader of Moral Mondays CT
Sena Wazer, 16 year old climate activist, co-director of Sunrise CT, and a rising Junior at the University of Connecticut, who has been fighting for the environment since age 5
Kiana Flores, rising senior at Wilbur Cross High School, leader of the youth wing of the New Haven Climate Movement
Leah Rawls, President of the Windham/Willimantic branch of the NAACP who has been working tirelessly to build the branch membership while addressing issues in the community related to racial discrimination in areas of employment, housing, medical and matters related to police complaints
Martha Klein, volunteer with the Connecticut Chapter of the Sierra Club and expert on the folly of natural gas
Kate Donnelly, leader of No More Dirty Power in Killingly!
Guy West, Connecticut Energy Program Liaison for the Clean Water Fund who closely follows agency policy developments with the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Board (EEB), the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), the Connecticut Green Bank (CGB) and other agencies
Unidad Latina en Acción, a group that has led many powerful car caravans for the undocumented, and those in ICE detention
Sunrise New Haven, the youthful group pressing for the Green New Deal
Mitch Linck, leader in the CT Climate Crisis Mobilization, event announcer and coordinator
Why We’re Taking Action
The climate crisis is here and people are already suffering from the ongoing effects of it. Low-income people and people of color are suffering first and worst.
We cannot simultaneously work toward a reduction in greenhouse gas and build this power plant. Our state’s climate goals will be impossible to meet if the Killingly power plant is built.
A Killingly fracked gas plant will emit 2 million tons of carbon dioxide annually, increasing Connecticut’s annual carbon emissions by 5%.
There is no regional need for this power. According to the Energy Information Administration data, electricity demand in New England has been flat for over ten years and CT has been an exporter of electricity . The offshore wind project and solar farms combined with imminent energy storage will provide what we need for the future.
Reducing our consumption through energy efficiency will reduce our need to create more energy.
Living near power plants is equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. Northeastern CT has the highest rate of asthma in the state, and the state of CT has the worst air quality of any state in the Northeast.
Fracked gas -methane- is a fossil fuel one hundred times worse for the climate than carbon dioxide. Burning more methane is destroying our climate faster than if we burned more coal or oil.
Our state needs to focus on the long-term job creation opportunities with renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.
Join us with signage on your car -- this is very important so passersby and the media will see why we're out there.
And -- Call or write to demand that the Killingly Power Plant is never built: #StopNTE #NoMoreDirtyPowerInKillingly